Friday, August 28, 2015

Jean Lab

In this lab, we asked the question: what concentration of bleach is best to fade the color out of new denim material in 10 minutes without visible damage to the fabric? The amount of damage the denim received was minimal enough to the point where it didn’t affect our results. We found out that the highest concentration(100%) of bleach faded the color of the denim the most. On a scale of 1-10(one being completely the same and 10 being colorless), we decided that the 100% concentration of bleach on the first piece had an 8 out of ten but the second piece had a 9 out of 10. The way bleach works as a color or stain remover is common knowledge. Almost everybody knows that putting colored clothes into a washer load that is ready to be bleached is a bad idea, because the bleach will wash the color out of the clothes. In this sense, we used this knowledge as a base for our hypothesis, which was “If bleach is a color remover, then applying it to denim jeans should remove the color.
While our hypothesis was supported by our results, there might have been errors because instead of having three or more controls, we only had 2. This might have resulted in unreliable results due to inconsistency, or could have yielded legitimate results. The amount of time each piece of denim spent in the solution was different, no matter by how many milliseconds. The amount of time each piece spent in the water, trying to discontinue the bleaching process was different too. If we had more time and more resources, we could have had more people lift each piece of fabric at similar times, so each one spent the same amount of time in the solution. This could work for the water too. Another recommendation would be to have more pieces of denim soaking, so that we would have a more reliable average with more plausible results.
This lab was done to demonstrate the process of the Scientific Method and to help our understanding of each specific process. The understanding of the Scientific Method could greatly assist us in future experiments and in different subjects. From this lab I learned exactly how important the role that the Scientific Method plays in all experiments is, which helps me understand the concept of experiments and the Scientific Method itself. Based on my experience from this lab, I could use the Scientific Method to conduct my other experiments more effectively, utilizing this method to increase profit with lowered costs. In other words, to create a more efficient lab that is more successful.  

Concentration(% bleach)
Average Color Removal 1-10
Average Fabric Damage 1-10