Monday, September 28, 2015

Identifying Questions and Hypotheses

What Doesn't Kill You Really Does Make You Weaker

                The scientific study that I found contradicts the statement by Friedrich Nietzsche. A bunch of studies were done by Noam Shpancer, and he had a question: "Does what doesn't kill you really make you stronger?" He followed that up with a hypothesis of "What doesn't kill you makes you weaker." "And this is true for humans as well. Mayhem and chaos don't toughen you up, and they don't prepare you well to deal with the terror of this world." Noam Shpancer says. "Tender love and care toughen you up, because they nurture and strengthen your capacity to learn and adapt, including learning how to fight, and adapting to later hardship." If there was a person growing up in a neighborhood where crime and violence was common, and this person happened to be involved a few times, this person would not be stronger than before, just because this person survived.

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