Monday, February 29, 2016

20 Time

20 time, new section of blog, and goals
20 time is a project that we as a class will be working on every monday. We have a goal in mind while researching, testing, and blogging our weekly results and progresses. My 20 time will be on combustion engines and the effect of different types of gasoline on it.
My goal for this project is to understand car engines better, but the primary goal will be to explain to drivers how to maintain their car better on their own. Each type of gas that I finish research on(i.e regular, plus, premium) will have its own blog post.

I will not be doing any real experiments with gasoline as that will be too expensive and I do not want to run the risk of injury. I may interview a person who specializes in gasoline production or has a large amount of knowledge on the topic.

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