Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gasoline Progress

Gasoline Progress
So far in 20 Time, we have researched some articles on different types of gasoline, such as regular, plus, and premium. The main difference between each of these gases is price, at least in the mind of a robust businessman or woman while filling up their Mercedes. In the mind of a person that is trying to make sure that their cars receive the proper gasoline it is a much different story.

The contemporary average price of premium gasoline per gallon in 2015 was 2.8 dollars, costing a 20 gallon refill to be around 56 dollars. We researched the actual differences between different gas types, and encountered an interesting fact. The difference between regular and premium is not only price but its ability to resist knocking, or high frequency oscillations in a cylinder that makes a sharp metallic noise.

We will continue to do more research and end up with a reason as to why you should put a certain type of gasoline in a car, backed up with a few reliable articles.

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