Sunday, December 27, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection/ Notes
Unit 5 was the unit based off of… mutations. Problems with DNA, sometimes good, sometimes harmless, and sometimes detrimental. This unit went over point mutations, frameshift mutations, inversions, and translocations.
Point mutations are changes in one or two base pairs of DNA, and are small but common. These can be harmful if the protein changes a lot, but if the protein doesn’t really change they’re harmless. There are two main types of point mutations; substitution and frameshift mutations. In substitution, a nucleotide is substituted for another(ex. T is replaced by A by mistake). Frameshift mutations occur when a, insertion, where an extra base pair is added into the code, or b, deletion, where a base pair is left out of the code.

Some other mutations include inversion, where a piece of DNA breaks off and bonds in reverse order. Translation occurs when part of a chromosome breaks off and bonds with another chromosome.

Why do mutations matter to us though? First off, changes in DNA means changes in proteins, and some diseases are caused by the smallest of things, even a change of a single base. Mutations can be detrimental like said earlier, resulting in cancers or life threatening problems. Mutations can be very useful too. They could accidentally create new genetic variation for natural selection, causing resistances to certain things in nature.
Gene regulation is the reason why we don’t sprout hair on our eyes and ears on our chest. Cells don’t want to perform more than the necessary actions for the cell to function, so there is something called an operator that prevents the RNA polymerase from reading the gene. This is necessary, because without the operator the RNA polymerase would read the gene and keep making excess amounts of whatever results from the initiated process.

Unit 4 Notes
Unit 4 consisted of many steps and processes, all related to cells and development.  
  • DNA fingerprinting- analyzes sections of DNA that have little to no known function but vary widely from one individual to another.     
  • Gene theory- whenever there is an absent or faulty gene, it is replaced by a normal and working gene.
  • The Human Genome Project- ongoing effort to analyze human DNA sequence.
Punnett squares are extremely useful  charts, made to draw possible phenotypes of an offspring based upon its parents’ genes.
Mendel’s work showed people the reason why we all look different, and why we all have different traits. His work taught us about dominance, recessiveness, and variation.
Two types of Inheritance: Autosomal and x-linked.
The Law of Segregation- Gene pairs for a trait separate when gametes are formed

Unit 3 Notes
Cells are called cells because a scientist, Robert Hooke, used an early compound microscope to look at a thin slice of cork. This cork showed many little chambers, almost as if they were “cells”. Hooke called these little chambers cells and they are known as cells to the present day. He used this microscope to look at other things, and found out that everything he looked at had “cells” as well.
The cell supports itself using different processes. Some of these processes create new organelles, some exterminate old, unproductive organelles, and some let things in and out of the cell.
Prokaryotes are cells with no nucleus, and lack many organelles compared to a eukaryote, which has all of those.
Unit 2 Notes
Photosynthesis is a process a plant cell undergoes to create ATP for the cell to work and for the plant to be supplied with energy. It converts energy from the sun and water from the roots in the soil to ATP using photosynthesis, which occurs in the chloroplast unique to plant cells.

Nucleus- nucleolus
Ribosome- small subunit(bottom), large subunite(top), builds proteins
Vesicle- membrane bound container
Rough ER- ribosome son the outside, “factory”
Golgi body- add stuff to proteins then “ships” the proteins
Cytoskeleton- structure
smooth ER- produces lipids, cholesterol, etc, detoxification
Mitochondria- produce atp, have own DNA
Vacuole- in plants, stores stuff
Cytosol- fluid that contains solutes, concentration gradient
Lysosome- Digestive enzymes, “suicide”
Centriole- important in positioning, initiate formation of spindle

Unit 1 Notes
Scientific method
  1. Question/ problem
  2. Collect information
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Experiment
  5. Results/ data
  6. Analysis/ conclusion(support/reject)
Qualitative- Descriptions
Quantitative- Numbers
Positive control- a group of data that will give predictable positive results
Negative control- A group of data lacking what is being tested so as to give expected negative results
Control- Something you use to compare your results to
Independent Variable- something that will change
Dependent Variable- something that will be measured
Constant- remains the same throughout experiment

  • Mutations- a change in the DNA code
  • Mutagen- anything that causes a mutation
  • Gene expression- process of a gene being used to produce a gene product or phenotype
  • Gene regulation- mechanism used by cells to increase or decrease the expression of a gene
  • Exons- sequences that are expressed
  • Introns- sequences that are cut out
  • Codominance- both traits are visible
  • Incomplete dominance- Both partially show

Monday, December 14, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection

Unit 5 Reflection/ Notes
Unit 5 was the unit based off of… mutations. Problems with DNA, sometimes good, sometimes harmless, and sometimes detrimental. This unit went over point mutations, frameshift mutations, inversions, and translocations.
Point mutations are changes in one or two base pairs of DNA, and are small but common. These can be harmful if the protein changes a lot, but if the protein doesn’t really change they’re harmless. There are two main types of point mutations; substitution and frameshift mutations. In substitution, a nucleotide is substituted for another(ex. T is replaced by A by mistake). Frameshift mutations occur when a, insertion, where an extra base pair is added into the code, or b, deletion, where a base pair is left out of the code.

Some other mutations include inversion, where a piece of DNA breaks off and bonds in reverse order. Translation occurs when part of a chromosome breaks off and bonds with another chromosome.

Why do mutations matter to us though? First off, changes in DNA means changes in proteins, and some diseases are caused by the smallest of things, even a change of a single base. Mutations can be detrimental like said earlier, resulting in cancers or life threatening problems. Mutations can be very useful too. They could accidentally create new genetic variation for natural selection, causing resistances to certain things in nature.
Gene regulation is the reason why we don’t sprout hair on our eyes and ears on our chest. Cells don’t want to perform more than the necessary actions for the cell to function, so there is something called an operator that prevents the RNA polymerase from reading the gene. This is necessary, because without the operator the RNA polymerase would read the gene and keep making excess amounts of whatever results from the initiated process.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Human DNA Extraction Lab

Human DNA Extraction Lab

“How can DNA be separated from cheek cells to study it?” That was the question we stated our claim off of, which was homogenization, lysis, and precipitation. We swished gatorade around in our mouths to fill it with cheek cells, and after that we put salt, the enzyme for this, and dish soap. After this, we slowly poured alcohol into the test tube, and the DNA slowly diffused into the alcohol. This data supports our claim because it follows homogenization, lysis, precipitation and it allows us to study the DNA.
Our data agrees with the expected results because our steps, if followed correctly, were supposed to yield some DNA in the alcohol, which is what happened. There could have been errors with exact drop measurements, which could allow for too little DNA or the alcohol might not have separated from the soapy gatorade. There also could have been mistiming on how long we let the gatorade sit for, which might have limited the amount of DNA that came out. We could have solved these problems by using more precise measurements with drops, and by starting the timer exactly when we spit it out.

This lab was done to demonstrate the process used to collect DNA from a sample. From this lab I learned how to collect DNA from a sample, and this can help people in real life because of investigations. Based on my experience from this lab, I will be able to produce real DNA samples in the future, and DNA is so much more interesting to me now.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Coin Sex Conclusion

In the coin sex lab, we flipped coins to determine alleles for a sample set, then analyzed the data and answered some questions. We were expecting to receive 5 heterozygous and 5 homozygous for every 10 coins flipped, because there was a 50% chance of receiving either one. As it turns out, we didn’t get 50% of both because on our first set of flips, we got 6 females and 4 males rather than 5 females and 5 males.
The limit of using probability to predict the offspring’s trait is the amount of tests that we conduct. If we do 10 flips, but we get 9 females and 1 male, that’s not very accurate. If we do 40 more, maybe we will get around 25 males and 15 females, making the scales a bit more balanced. Some gene interactions are x-linked, so even if we get more females sometimes, the males are the only ones that can receive the traits.

This lab relates to my life because knowing my mom and dad’s traits could help me determine what mine could be, or maybe a future sibling(probably not).

Genetics Infographic

Published version of my infographic:

Monday, October 19, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit 3 Reflection

This unit was about the cell. It went in depth on how the cell came to be, and how it supports itself today with certain processes.
My strengths of this unit would be understanding the cell’s organelles and their functions. I understand the cell’s processes like photosynthesis and cellular respiration to a certain extent, but the very specifics of each process i have a weakness with.
The topics that were difficult to understand would be these processes. This is because of how important knowing the exact amount of product specific amount of reactants can make is crucial to the understanding of this section.

Managing the units of this class is really simple, because there is almost a set amount of time that the vodcasts take to complete, and as long as conclusions and lab related things are completed on time the unit is manageable.

In collaborative settings, i work differently than in personal settings. In collaborative settings, i like to work by myself, since when I have a partner I’m either hampering them or vice versa.

I want to learn more about the equations associated with photosynthesis. I want to learn more about this because the huge role that photosynthesis plays in energy production within a cell is fascinating.

I feel like i haven’t changed much. I am just about the same student as i was yesterday, but i may have gained some knowledge on photosynthesis and cellular respiration overnight. Some things about the cell and its organelles also entered my mind. I didn’t know much about cytosol, but after a vodcast I learned about its location in the cell and its function in a cell.

I’ve prepared for the test by rereading my notes, copying down the things i didn’t understand, quizzing myself on the things in the notes, and rewatching parts of vodcasts that i didn’t understand.

Photosynthesis Virtual Labs

Photosynthesis Virtual Labs

Lab 1: Glencoe Photosynthesis Lab

Analysis Questions
1. Make a hypothesis about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth and which color in the visible spectrum causes the least plant growth?
If Lettuce reflects green light and green light is shone upon it, then it will grow the least.
If Lettuce reflects green light and red light is shone upon it, then it will grow the most.

2. How did you test your hypothesis? Which variables did you control in your experiment and which variable did you change in order to compare your growth results?
I tested my hypothesis by putting a lettuce plant under each color of light. The control was the plant, and the variable that i changed in order to compare my growth results was the color of the light.

Filter Color
Lettuce Avg. Height (cm)

3. Analyze the results of your experiment. Did your data support your hypothesis? Explain. If you conducted tests with more than one type of seed, explain any differences or similarities you found among types of seeds.
My data did not support my hypothesis fully, because even though green did turn out to have the least amount of growth, the blue had the most amount of growth, rather than the red.

4. What conclusions can you draw about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth?
The color blue causes the most plant growth because after putting 6 different samples of lettuce under the blue light, the average between all six of them was the highest at 8 inches after 30 days.
5. Given that white light contains all colors of the spectrum, what growth results would you expect under white light?
I would expect maximum growth results as the plant has access to all types of light, so even if i reflects green it still has many colors of light it can accept and gain energy from.

Site 2: Photolab

Question: Which amount of carbon dioxide, light intensity, and temperature produces the most amount of oxygen?

Hypothesis: If the water is heated to the highest temperature, then the plant will produce the most amount of oxygen.

Independent Variable: light color, light intensity, water temperature, and CO2 levels.
Dependent Variable: the amount of photosynthesis the plant can undergo.
Control: The Temperature

Oxygen per minute

In this lab I asked the question “Which temperature produces the most amount of oxygen?” My claim was that the highest temperature of water would produce the most amount of oxygen. When all the other variables were the same, the lowest temperature of water(10 degrees) provided 50 oxygen per minute, the second highest temperature(25 degrees) yielded 22 oxygen per minute, and the highest temperature(40 degrees) produced 61 oxygen per minute. This evidence supports our claim because the highest temperature of water did produce the most oxygen, 11 more than the nearest competitor.
This lab was done to demonstrate the best temperature for underwater plants to do photosynthesis. From this lab I learned when plants best function and produce oxygen. I can apply this to real life because if I ever own a plant, i can put it in warmer water so that it will be more healthy and complete more cycles of photosynthesis.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Egg Cell Macromolecules Lab Conclusion

Macromolecules Lab Conclusion
In this lab we asked the question: “Can macromolecules be identified in an egg cell?” We found that at least one macromolecule was found in any part of the egg. In the yolk, there were proteins, lipids, monosaccharides, and polysaccharides. In the egg white, there were proteins, monosaccharides, lipids, and polysaccharides. In the membrane, there were proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides. This data supports our claim because lipids are known to make up parts of the membranes, proteins are required for growth structural development, and monosaccharides and polysaccharides are required for energy.
Our data agrees with the expected results because we were expecting to find proteins in the yolk, lipids in the white, and polysaccharides in the membrane. We had a few errors. First was the amount of yolk, white, and membrane that we used wasn’t the same throughout the whole lab. We might have used too much yolk, or too much white, and we could have prevented this error by being more precise with our measurements. Another mistake we could have accidentally made was the amount of test substance, such as iodine, sudan 3, or the benedicts. Based on how much we put in, we could have gotten varied results. We could have prevented this error in the same way, by being more precise with measurements. We could have improved the lab by being more careful with our egg preparation, so we could get more accurate results, and by being more accurate with the amount of substance that we put into each part of the egg.
This lab was done to determine which macromolecules are existent in which parts of an egg. From this lab i learned what is inside of an egg, and what nutrients it provides to the chickens inside. Based on my experience from this lab i can eat eggs knowing that i am eating lipids, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, and protein.

Egg Membrane
              The egg membrane tested positive for Lipids. Our experiment showed us that when Sudon 3 was added to the membrane, it changed colors to pink. This supports our claim because it started out as white, and color change signaled presence of lipids.

Egg White
              The egg white tested positive for proteins. Our experiment showed us that when NaOH and CuSO4 were added to the egg white, the egg white changed from yellow to pink. This supports our claim because of the color that it was supposed to turn to (purple). Since it was closer to this color than it was its starting color, this signaled presence of proteins.

Egg Yolk
              The egg yolk tested positive for lipids. Our experiment showed us that when iodine was added to the yolk, it changed colors to orange. This supports our claim because it originally started as yellow, but turned to orange as expected from something containing lipids.