Monday, October 19, 2015

Photosynthesis Virtual Labs

Photosynthesis Virtual Labs

Lab 1: Glencoe Photosynthesis Lab

Analysis Questions
1. Make a hypothesis about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth and which color in the visible spectrum causes the least plant growth?
If Lettuce reflects green light and green light is shone upon it, then it will grow the least.
If Lettuce reflects green light and red light is shone upon it, then it will grow the most.

2. How did you test your hypothesis? Which variables did you control in your experiment and which variable did you change in order to compare your growth results?
I tested my hypothesis by putting a lettuce plant under each color of light. The control was the plant, and the variable that i changed in order to compare my growth results was the color of the light.

Filter Color
Lettuce Avg. Height (cm)

3. Analyze the results of your experiment. Did your data support your hypothesis? Explain. If you conducted tests with more than one type of seed, explain any differences or similarities you found among types of seeds.
My data did not support my hypothesis fully, because even though green did turn out to have the least amount of growth, the blue had the most amount of growth, rather than the red.

4. What conclusions can you draw about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth?
The color blue causes the most plant growth because after putting 6 different samples of lettuce under the blue light, the average between all six of them was the highest at 8 inches after 30 days.
5. Given that white light contains all colors of the spectrum, what growth results would you expect under white light?
I would expect maximum growth results as the plant has access to all types of light, so even if i reflects green it still has many colors of light it can accept and gain energy from.

Site 2: Photolab

Question: Which amount of carbon dioxide, light intensity, and temperature produces the most amount of oxygen?

Hypothesis: If the water is heated to the highest temperature, then the plant will produce the most amount of oxygen.

Independent Variable: light color, light intensity, water temperature, and CO2 levels.
Dependent Variable: the amount of photosynthesis the plant can undergo.
Control: The Temperature

Oxygen per minute

In this lab I asked the question “Which temperature produces the most amount of oxygen?” My claim was that the highest temperature of water would produce the most amount of oxygen. When all the other variables were the same, the lowest temperature of water(10 degrees) provided 50 oxygen per minute, the second highest temperature(25 degrees) yielded 22 oxygen per minute, and the highest temperature(40 degrees) produced 61 oxygen per minute. This evidence supports our claim because the highest temperature of water did produce the most oxygen, 11 more than the nearest competitor.
This lab was done to demonstrate the best temperature for underwater plants to do photosynthesis. From this lab I learned when plants best function and produce oxygen. I can apply this to real life because if I ever own a plant, i can put it in warmer water so that it will be more healthy and complete more cycles of photosynthesis.

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