Monday, October 19, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit 3 Reflection

This unit was about the cell. It went in depth on how the cell came to be, and how it supports itself today with certain processes.
My strengths of this unit would be understanding the cell’s organelles and their functions. I understand the cell’s processes like photosynthesis and cellular respiration to a certain extent, but the very specifics of each process i have a weakness with.
The topics that were difficult to understand would be these processes. This is because of how important knowing the exact amount of product specific amount of reactants can make is crucial to the understanding of this section.

Managing the units of this class is really simple, because there is almost a set amount of time that the vodcasts take to complete, and as long as conclusions and lab related things are completed on time the unit is manageable.

In collaborative settings, i work differently than in personal settings. In collaborative settings, i like to work by myself, since when I have a partner I’m either hampering them or vice versa.

I want to learn more about the equations associated with photosynthesis. I want to learn more about this because the huge role that photosynthesis plays in energy production within a cell is fascinating.

I feel like i haven’t changed much. I am just about the same student as i was yesterday, but i may have gained some knowledge on photosynthesis and cellular respiration overnight. Some things about the cell and its organelles also entered my mind. I didn’t know much about cytosol, but after a vodcast I learned about its location in the cell and its function in a cell.

I’ve prepared for the test by rereading my notes, copying down the things i didn’t understand, quizzing myself on the things in the notes, and rewatching parts of vodcasts that i didn’t understand.

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