Wednesday, May 11, 2016

20 time individual reflection

20 time was a project that i was very interested in from the start. When my biology teacher, Mr. Orre first announced this assignment in class, my mind immediately began to wonder about all of the possibilities that this project offered. I was engrossed in all of the ideas that my mind came up with, and at the end, I settled with the car engine.

More than just a car engine, i wanted to delve into the ways that gas circulated in an engine, and my final product was going to be a presentation about how to maintain a car and how it works. I found out what i needed to research. I needed to understand how gas circulates, what different types of fuel injection existed, and how a car engine runs on gasoline. There were many more subtopics i needed to have extensive knowledge on, but that would take a lot of research and dedication to the project, something i wasn’t sure i could do.

A fellow classmate, Eveliina Niva, found interest in my project and wanted to join in, as she had not come up with her own idea yet. I saw a window of opportunity in this, knowing that i needed some extra help and also that i could give help to another classmate. I accepted her into my project, and over the weeks that we had time to research and gain knowledge for our presentation, i saw her hard work slowly adding up, as she researched many crucial articles towards the project that we now shared.

We decided that we wanted to make our presentation about helping others with their cars. A car is something that requires a lot of maintenance. It also requires safety to manage and drive properly. We wanted to make sure that by informing people of what their car needs and what it is capable of, we could save a driver some money, time, and keep them safe while and before they start driving.

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