Thursday, June 2, 2016

20 Time Final Blog Post

Overall, 20 time was somewhat of a failure. I could have done so many more things in the time that I had, but I had decided to throw away a few mondays. I never realized how much I could have done with my project until i walked up to the podium to give my ted talk. I saw all the potential that i had in my project and sort of hoped that i could continue this over the summer. I have other things i plan to do over the summer and this is one that i wish to add to my list.
There is a small chance that I may be able to finish a brochure by the end of summer, but there's a part of me that wishes to start a different project. Going back on this semester and 20 time, I really liked my topic, and I do feel that I completed a decent amount of research with Eveliina. The main problem with the Ted talk was that our information wasn’t consolidated well. I wasn’t able to put the information into a meaningful ted talk, resulting in a low grade.

If I am given another chance to make something like this, then I plan on wasting less time and to create a final product in time. I want to make a change for students, but the problems started with my time management.

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