Thursday, January 21, 2016

Candy Electrophoresis Lab Questions

A ) no
B) no
C) yes
D) no
2. Betanin (beetroot red)- because it most closely represents a dye used for the gel.
3. Dye is added to animal food because it makes the literal food piece look more appetizing. Rather than a bland rough ball its more textured, meaty looking, and looks healthier, which will increase the chance someone will purchase it.
4. The strength of the positive and negative side, and also the structures of the dyes, whichever one is heavier moves less and whichever one moves more is lighter.
6. The current running through the gel pulls the dyes towards the anode.
7. The current running through the gel will attract the dyes, and whichever one can maneuver and pass through the structure of the gel the fastest are the smaller dyes, while the ones that move the slowest are the bigger dyes.
PC: Kimi Uenaka
PC: Kimi Uenaka
8. I expect the 600 to move far, towards the end of the gel, and the 1000 to move a little less, 2000 to move even less, and 5000 to move the least. 

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