Monday, January 4, 2016

New Years Goals

New Years Goals
My new years goal for biology is concise. Continue doing what I have been doing in class, except be more in the class. What I mean by “in the class” is to pay attention, not only to what Mr. Orre is saying, but also pay attention to my surroundings. Are my classmates paying attention? What part of the book is he talking about right now? Does this part deserve attention or do I already know this thoroughly? If I can improve on these few things, then I will be able to achieve better understanding and a higher grade in this class.

My new years goal for golf is much different than biology. Paying attention to surroundings can matter, but most of the time I will try to zone out, paying attention to mostly my game and my game only. Other’s game I will give no attention towards, and if I stray from my goal I will try to redirect my course to where I want to be. Getting to the top 8, or being a traveler should be a stepping stone. My goal is to place in the top 4, where I feel I can be if i devote enough time and work to short game and my irons. Accuracy is key on Saratoga Country Club, and if I continue to scramble successfully and hit the greens, I can secure a spot in the top 4 for myself.

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